Wednesday, November 2, 2005

I love music

It's true. If you don't know that by now, then ummm you'd better spend more time hanging out with me!! hehe
So I'm not working today and I'm still sorta sick. So I thought hey what a perfect time for me to do long tedious things or just the normal chore like things I've picked up doing since my hunny works so much! :)
I decided I'd work on organizing all the music I want for our wedding. I know that might sound strange to some of you, but those of you who know me understand that I'm pretty particular about my in, I have specific songs that go with certain things, feelings, all that. I've been collecting songs that I thought I'd like to have in the wedding and now I'm sorting the songs I want for the prelude, the bridesmaids walking down the isle, my song to walk down to, the unity candle lighting song, the procetional, the postlude, then the reception songs. And I'm organizing them all!! OYIE! What a task! It's fun though because I'm trying to imagine what it will look like and feel like. And so I'm just sitting here thinking about the wedding and well, that's fun. Slightly annoying, because it's still 87 days away, but that's soooo much better then 159!


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